8 Vaginal Odours and What They Mean!

Vaginal odours are one of those things that you may not feel comfortable talking about with your friends, but trust me when I say- we all have them! And there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Let's face it ladies, our Vs go through a lot. From periods to sex to just everyday discharge and birthing babies, it's no wonder they can start to go through different peaks and troughs of emitting different odours (FYI, the vag naturally has it’s own unique smell - there is nothing wrong with that!) but if you’re concerned about on-going funky aromatic vibes, best to speak to your trusted GP or Gynaecologist / OB for some friendly medical advice.
So what do different vaginal odours mean? Here is a quick guide:
(For your information, the following is not medical advice, here is some friendly knowledge sharing tips to empower us women. Hope you find the information helpful. Feel free to leave a comment below.
1. Fishy Odour
A fishy odour is often a sign of bacterial vaginosis, a condition caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis can lead to other health problems, so it's important to get treatment if you have this odour.
An imbalance of the good and bad bacteria in the vagina can be the cause of BV. Symptoms of BV include: white or grey discharge, a burning sensation when you wee, and itching around the outside of the vagina.
If you have a fishy smell, green or yellow discharge, vag itching and burning, and pain when you wee or have intercourse, it could be a sign of trichomoniasis, a type of STI.
What to do? Just see your GP or Gynaecologist. The doctor may prescribe patients with antibiotics if required. Please do not try internal douching, it can upset your vagina's pH (the vag is naturally happy at an acidity level). You can practice good hygiene by gently washing the exterior vulva skin with our mild foam SYNK fem-wash, formulated with a science-led naturally-based formulation. Designed to soothe and calm your ladybit’s skin. Unlike supermarket brands, we do not endorse douching or artificial fragrances that may disrupt your natural envionment.
2. Rotten Odour
A super-rotting smell that is similar to rotting food? The culprit is likened to be thanks to a tampon that's been left in for a few days or not changing your pads regularly enough due to heavy flows. Sometimes, wearing non-cotton menstrual products and non-breathable fabric undies can lead to rotten smells due to hot and humid weather conditions.
What to do? We advise changing your pad/tampons every 2-3 hours (plus or minus depending on your period flow volume). Cotton undies paired with our Ultra-thin Organic Cotton Pads (you’ll notice the smell disappear or reduced significantly). You can try our bestselling Vulva Kits: Starter Kit or One-Month Kit - to cleanse, refresh, hydrate & soothe your vulva needs. A healthier V is a happier you =)
3. Yeast-y Odours
The smell is like a sourdough bread baking below… if yes, then it could be a yeast infection incubating. Other unmistakable signs include cottage cheese-like discharge, and acute itchiness of the vagina and vulva.
The likely culprits of yeast infection include lubes, use of antibiotics, pregnancy hormonal changes, spermicides, humid and poor hygiene downstairs (we’ve all been through something once whether wearing tight jeans or lycra, creating a sweaty environment..).
What to do? YI can be incurred! Best to first see your doctor first. He/She may suggest you to pop into a pharmacy to pick up some over-the-counter anti-fungal options or prescription antibiotics. Always remember to practice good vulva and menstrual hygiene with our SYNK kits.
4. Metallic Odour
A metallic odor may be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) such as gonorrhea or chlamydia. If you notice a metallic smell, it's important to get tested for STIs.
Or, when the blood (aka your uterine lining) exits your body, it can exert this smell, but it's not unhealthy
What to do? If it’s an on-going issue bothering you, see your doctor. For non-serious vulva conditions, you can try to get rid of the odour by using our pH balancing and maintenance foam mild and gentle fem-wash and or a Starter or One-month Kits. The vagina is naturally happy in acidic environment and to ensure odour-causing bacteria doesn't grow and multiple.
5. Musky Odour
A musky odor may be a sign that you're starting to ovulate. This smell is caused by changes in your body's hormone levels.
6. Sweet Odour
There is no scientific proof, however, what you eat can affect the taste and scent of your vagina. Citrus fruits like oranges, pineapple, and grapefruit have been infamous to sweeten the smell and taste of vaginal fluids.
7. Pungent Odour
The smell of onions or garlic? That's because the food's aromas gets passed via the sweat glands all over your body, including your vulva, and could also be present in your vaginal fluids.
When sweat mingles with with fluids around your vulva and vagina, the sweat's natural scent may change and sweat can also stink. The odour may be exacerbated especially if you sweat a lot (in humid and hot weather or after a sweaty gym workout).
Foods like asparagus can affect the smell of your wee, giving urine a strong odour. Since the urethra is near the vagina, the smell of the wee could contribute to vaginal odour. Regardless of your odours, it is not embarrassing or shameful to have different smelling vulvas or vagina. Eating a healthy diet is more important!
What to do? Keep up your vulva hygiene with SYNK's bestselling Vulva Kits, wear breathable fabrics, avoid wearing gym clothes multiple times. Cleanse your labia and vulva with our mild and gently foam fem-wash (do not use douching products), then, you can refreshen up and soothe by a quick spritz of our imfamous and calming not-just-a-fem-mist. Followed up hydrating and protecting the vulva skin with our not-just-a-fem-cream - skin and vaginal flora friendly.
8. Bleach Odour
Experienced chlorine or bleach-like smells after intercourse? The likely culprit is due to certain lubricant or condoms you are routinely using.
What to do? Try an unscented lube or a different brand of condoms if it the smell really bothers you.
If you would like to find out more information on our No1 Voted Soothing Vulva-care products, head to our website or see our bestselling kits.