Exploring the Impact of S#x on Your Vaginal Microbiome: Tips for Optimal Vulva-Care

Taking proper care of your vulva is a key component of vaginal health. From keeping the area clean and moisturised to wearing breathable underwear and avoiding unnecessary douching, vulva-care is an essential part of your wellness routine. But did you know that sex between two people with vulvas can also have an effect on your vaginal microbiome? Naturally + science-based vulva-care products like SYNK Organic Kits can help maintain your vaginal microbiome balance, so it's important to understand how s*x impacts your unique flora.
What is the Vaginal Microbiome?
The vaginal microbiome is the collection of microorganisms that live within the vagina. This includes bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microbes that naturally reside in this part of the female reproductive system.
The balance of these microorganisms is important for maintaining a healthy vagina. A diverse and balanced microbiome can help prevent infections and promote overall reproductive health. Conversely, an imbalance or disruption to the microbiome can lead to conditions like yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis.
How Does S#x Affect the Vaginal Microbiome?
When it comes to maintaining a healthy vaginal microbiome, many people are curious about the impact s*x can have on this delicate ecosystem. The truth is, s*x can certainly influence the vaginal microbiome in both positive and negative ways.
During s*xual activity, the bacteria present in the vag can be spread around and mixed with bacteria from your partner. This can lead to changes in the balance of bacteria, which can either have positive or negative effects. For example, having s*x with a partner who has a healthy vaginal microbiome can help to introduce beneficial bacteria that may help to maintain a healthy balance. On the other hand, if you have s*x with a partner who has a different type of bacteria or infection, this can disrupt the balance of your own microbiome and lead to infections or other issues.
One study found that women who had s*x with a new partner experienced changes in their vaginal microbiome, which were thought to be due to the introduction of new bacteria. However, it's worth noting that this change in bacteria levels was temporary and did not necessarily indicate any health issues.
Overall, the impact of s*x on the vaginal microbiome is complex and can depend on various factors, such as the health of both partners, the presence of infections or other conditions, and the use of certain products (such as lubricants or condoms). While s*x itself is not inherently harmful to the vaginal microbiome, it's important to take steps to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria to avoid any potential issues.
Factors That Can Influence Changes in the Vaginal Microbiome
Skin to skin contact between vulvas, oral, sharing s*x toys, fingering — all affect the vaginal microbiome!
Different body parts such as fingers, mouths, have their own microbiomes — and may harbour pathogenic bacteria or fungi. Unwanted infections like BV or yeast infections start to develop when disruptive microbes are introduced to your lady garden during s*xy time, there is a chance they will overgrow and disrupt the composition of your vaginal microbiome.
In a 2019 study, researchers found that those who engaged in oral s*x and used s*x toys were more likely to have a vaginal microbiome with disruptive bacteria. This suggests that incorporating s*x toys and certain sexual practices can have an impact on the composition of the vaginal microbiome.
Overall, being mindful of these factors and taking steps to maintain a healthy vaginal microbiome is crucial.
Tips for Optimal Vulva-Care to Maintain a Healthy Vaginal Microbiome
1. Use Gentle Cleansers: The vagina is self-cleaning and using harsh soaps or douches can disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria. Use mild, naturally + science-based special vulva wash.
2. Wear Breathable Underwear: Choose cotton underwear or other breathable materials to allow air to circulate and keep your vulva dry.
3. Avoid Tight Clothing: Tight clothing can also trap moisture, leading to bacterial overgrowth. Choose loose, comfortable clothing that doesn't rub against your vulva.
4. Use Lubricants: Adequate lubrication can prevent tears and irritation during s*x. Choose a water-based lubricant without added fragrances or flavors.
5. Urinate Before and After S*x: This can help flush out any bacteria that may have entered the urethra during s*x, reducing the risk of urinary tract infections.
6. Practice Safe S*x: Using condoms can reduce the transmission of s*xually transmitted infections that can disrupt the vaginal microbiome.
7. Eat a Healthy Diet: A diet rich in fiber, probiotics, and vitamins can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut and vagina.
8. Get your partner's to wash their hands and fingers prior to engaging in intimate fingering
9. Regularly sanitise your s*x toys
10. Only use naturally + science-based vulva-care kits. SYNK Organic is Australia's No. 1 Vulva-Care brand loved by thousands of women, with thousands of positive reviews. Don't underestimate a good vulva-care wellness routine will be a healthier and happier you 😉
Remember, if you experience any unusual symptoms or discomfort, it's always a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider. This is not medical advice. Simply some tips for you to share. Feel free to forward to your partner's as a gentle nudge to be mindful of your private-bit's needs - you only have one vulva!